Cafe im
cafeimports.comCafe im
ports也有關于咖啡的線上與線下課程,上會有更全的分享視頻為了方便內地咖啡學習者,譯者經過授權后,特翻譯并上傳主講人Joe Marrocco譯者:Sean 尹三井B站ID:Sean尹三井咖啡烘焙既有科學部分也有藝術的部分,兩者都是非常有趣的烘焙的學習中很多東西都是沒有完全的“對”和“錯”的,面對觀點時要記得考慮思考的角度,希望大家都能好好學習、天天向上~~
原文鏈接的導讀如下:Roasting coffee truly is a craft, the intersection of art and science.Becoming a master of any craft is a long and lonely process, one made much easier through collaboration and cooperation. We are about to embark on that process together, through a brand-new free educational video series:Roasting Concepts.In this progressive collection of short instructional videos, we will dive in to the three main elements that are in play for the coffee roaster: the seed itself, the machine, and the taste. Joe Marrocco is your guide not simply through those three invaluable subjects, but also the relationships among them all as well.Our goal with every educational resource we provide is not to prescribe “right” or “wrong” approaches to buying, roasting, and tasting coffee, but even more significantly to empower you with knowledge that will propel you on your own journey. Our goal with this series of videos is to describe what exactly is happening in the coffee roasting process, and to help you optimize your quality by connecting the conceptual dots between your roasting machine, the coffees you choose, and the methods you apply to create the flavor profile you desire in a repeatable, accessible way.:)咖啡烘焙真真是一門手藝,是藝術與科學的融合。無論是哪一項技藝,成為大師之路必然漫長而又孤獨。能與同儕交流合作,必然事半功倍。有鑒于此,我們開通了全新的免費咖啡教育視頻欄目
Roasting Concepts《烘焙概念》,希望與各位共同進步。在這個漸進的介紹性短視頻系列中,我們會深入探討咖啡烘焙的三個要素:豆子,機器以及風味。Joe Marroco不僅將單獨介紹這三個要素,還將解釋三個要素之間的關系。我們制作每一篇教學內容的目標,并不是要告訴我們的讀者“正確”購買、烘焙和品嘗咖啡豆的方式,而是讓讀者們了解相關的知識,從而激勵讀者們去學習、去理解、去嘗試,從而作出適合自己的選擇。本系列視頻將會詳細分析咖啡烘焙過程,解釋在烘焙機中發(fā)生了什么,并通過連結烘焙、咖啡豆和呈現(xiàn)方式三個概念點,幫助讀者們以容易理解的方式提高烘焙質量,提高烘焙的穩(wěn)定性。: )
版權信息:以上文章內容轉載自【The Sheep Club】,轉載請聯(lián)系原作者。作者:Sean尹三井侵權請聯(lián)系:weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作