


比賽臺詞中英文Welcomemy dear customer, this is a picture of my coffee shop. In this beautiful place, we present the most exotic coffee of the world to the coffee lovers in China.親愛的客人們,歡迎你們,這是一張我工作的咖啡館的照片。在這個美好的地方,我們每天都把世界上最獨(dú)特的咖啡豆制作給中國的咖啡愛好者們飲用。As a barista, I brew the coffee and share the flavor and stories behind them. This is why I love coffee, because it is all a
bout sharing.作為一名咖啡師,我不僅制作咖啡,還會將他們的風(fēng)味和背后的故事分享給我的客人們。這是我愛咖啡的原因,因?yàn)榭Х染褪欠窒?。So today, in this 10 minutes, I will explain the brewing methods first. and then I will enjoy the coffee with you together. It’s exactly what I do everyday. So, please relax yourself, let me tell you what I’ve discovered through this amazing coffee.那么今天,在這10分鐘里,我會先向你們講解我的沖煮方式,然后我們一起來喝這杯咖啡。這就是我每天的工作,所以請放輕松,讓我來說給你聽我在這只咖啡中的探索。Firstly let me explain how I prepared even before extractions, As you can see,This dripperlooks different. It is origami. I chose it for two reasons. Firstly, I can use flat-bottomed filter paper.In this shape, the same amount of coffeebed is thinner than cone-shape filterpaper, therefore, we can get a more even extraction. The second reason, it has a large hole at the bottom,with deeper grooves, water can go through the coffee quickly and achieve clearlayers offlavor.首先,請讓我來解釋我在萃取前都做了哪些準(zhǔn)備工作。顯而易見,這個濾杯長得不太一樣,它是Origami折紙濾杯。我選擇它是有兩個原因。第一,我可以使用平底濾紙。在這個形狀的濾紙里,相比圓錐形濾紙,相同的粉量下粉層的厚度更薄,所以我們可以讓萃取更加均勻。第二,這個濾杯的底部有一個大的孔洞,再加上較深的溝槽可以是水通過咖啡粉層的速度更快,從而獲得一個干凈清晰的風(fēng)味層次。For coffee grinding, I first crush the coffee beans into very large particles and then grind them into fine particles.It is more evenly distributed in this way.Also I have discovered after the first grind, if we remove the silverskin covered pieces and go through the second grind, The cup is more clean and with clearer flavors.其次是研磨。我先將咖啡豆磨成非常粗的顆粒,然后在此基礎(chǔ)上再研磨成細(xì)的粉狀,這樣粉粒的分布會更均勻。更外我發(fā)現(xiàn),當(dāng)我們完成第一次粗研磨之后,如果我們盡可能把咖啡豆上的銀皮都去掉,然后再進(jìn)行第二次的細(xì)研磨,這杯咖啡的干凈度和風(fēng)味清晰度會提高。I use a funnel to evenly dro
p the coffee powder right to the center of the dripper. Then with the help of the needle, I can loosen the grounds to make the coffee bed fluffy. In this way, water will be able to go through all the particles in a short time.我會用布粉器將咖啡粉均勻地散落在濾杯的中央,然后借助這個拉花針去松散粉層,這樣的做法可以讓水快速通過所有的粉粒。In the water, I added 4ppmof calcium and 15ppmof magnesium, to achieve the TDS to 80ppm. the addition of ions added could increase the extraction capacity of water and helps bring out more flavors.最后,我在我的水里加了4pp的鈣離子和15ppm的鎂離子,讓水的TDS達(dá)到80ppm。這些離子的加入,增加了水的萃取能力,帶出更多的咖啡風(fēng)味。Now I am going to explain to you how I manage the brewing.現(xiàn)在,我來為你們解說我的注水方式。As you may know, different dissolved solids will be extracted at different stages of extractions. Therefore I will manage different co
ntact time between coffee and water by altering pouring speed.你們可能知道,不同的可溶解物是在整個萃取過程的不同階段被萃取出來的。所以,我會用“改變注水速度”的方法,去控制不同階段的水粉接觸時間。I will give you much more detailed information for you to understand. You can check the screen to see how I pour.為了幫助你們理解,我會給你們更多細(xì)節(jié)的信息。這個ipad屏幕是為你們準(zhǔn)備的,可以觀看我的注水。There will be the 4 stages of brewing.整個注水過程分為4個階段。At the 1st stage,I will pour 60g water at the speed of 6g per sec for 10 seconds.As coffee fully co
ntact with water, it will bring out a lot of acidityand sweetness.第一階段,我用每秒6g水的注水速度注水10秒鐘,達(dá)到60g。當(dāng)水粉充分接觸時,可以帶出很多的酸和甜。At the 2nd stage , with dozens of experiments, we find if we pour water fast, the sweet and fruity flavors in the cup will be diluted. Therefore, I choose to pour 80g of water andadjusted the pouring speed to 4g per sec for 20s. And we wait another 20s before the next stage.This slow extraction process further increase the co
ntact time in order to increase extractions yields.第二階段,經(jīng)過多次實(shí)驗(yàn)后,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)如果注水太快,咖啡的甜感和水果調(diào)性的風(fēng)味到了杯中會被稀釋。所以,在這階段我會注水80g,并且將注水速度降到每秒4g,注水20秒。然后,我會等20秒再進(jìn)入下一階段的注水。慢萃取可以更加延長水粉接觸時間,從而增加咖啡的萃取率。At the 3rd and the last stage, I will alter the pouring speed to 5g per second. This is relativelyfast pouring speed to preventfrom over extractions.第三個階段,我會將注水速度調(diào)整到每秒5g。這是一個相對快一點(diǎn)的注水速度,這是為了防止過度萃取。My recipe today is, 16g of coffee, 240g of water, to brew 190g of beverage, with the temperature of 94 degrees. The total extractio
ntimeis 1m40s.我今天的萃取參數(shù)是:16g的咖啡粉,240g的水,萃取出190g的咖啡液體,水溫是94°。整體的萃取時間是1分40秒。Ok,now,isthemostim
portantpart:let’senjoythecoffeetogether.好了,現(xiàn)在到了最重要的環(huán)節(jié):讓我們一起來品嘗這杯咖啡。Aroma will be your first touch to get to know it. You can use the vessel to assess it. Then I will pour the coffee into thecup for you to drink.香氣是你們和這支咖啡的第一次接觸,可以直接用分享壺去嗅聞。之后,我會為你們把咖啡倒出來飲用。Please swirl the vessel gentlya few times,and enjoy the aroma.you will be immersed in a delicate red and velvet floral, soon be overwhelmed with apricot and cocoa, followed with nice sweet cream.請輕輕地?fù)u晃分享壺,然后感受它的香氣。你會沉浸在一種雅致的紅色的絲絨般的花香中,然后是撲面而來的杏桃和可可香氣,最后是甜甜的奶油香。Ok?Good?ok?可以了嗎?OK了嗎?(收回分享壺)As you can tell, it’s a very light roast. Guess what, it o
nly take 4 minutes to roast with Ikawa, 5days ago, in order to maximize the fruitiness and sweetness.很明顯,今天的咖啡烘焙度非常淺。你猜怎么著,這支咖啡是在5天前用IKAWA烘焙的,烘焙時間只有短短的4分鐘,就是為了將水果風(fēng)味和甜感最大化。This cup is specially designed for you. When coffee reaches this level, Thereis more open space to maximize aroma, and then co
nverge all the aroma at the neck of the cup. The flavor will be enhanced when you drinkcoffeedirectlyfrom the cup.這個杯子是為你們特別設(shè)計(jì)的,當(dāng)注入的咖啡到了這里(杯子的最寬處)時,會有更多的表面積去最大化釋放香氣,然后所有的香氣會在杯子的收口處聚集在一起。所以,直接從杯子飲用可以增強(qiáng)風(fēng)味。Please stir 3 times and wait a minute, let’sdrink it together.請攪拌3次,稍微等一等,讓我們一起來喝。In the flavor the red apricot with white grapes punchyour mouth, followed with a delight cocoa and champagne, slight but delicate violet floral.風(fēng)味中,你們首先可以喝到紅色杏桃和白葡萄,然后是愉悅的可可和香檳風(fēng)味,最后是一絲絲輕柔的紫羅蘭。Let’s taste one more time讓我們再喝一次。The aftertaste on the pallet is like white wine, apricot, and violet lingering in your mouth. Now feel like customers, take a few sips at anytimedirectly from the cup.在余韻中,我們的味蕾可以感受到白葡萄酒、杏桃以及紫羅蘭,悠長地在口腔中回旋?,F(xiàn)在你們可以像普通地顧客一樣,隨意從杯中喝。So this unique taste profile is mainly brought by experimental process from NP Gesha estate grown at 1600m.They have selec
ted one of local bacteria into the natural process. The whole fermentation process took a
bout 4weeks. Also Gesha variety gives this coffee soft texture and delicate sensations.這個獨(dú)特的風(fēng)味調(diào)性主要來自于海拔1600米的巴拿馬90+瑰夏莊園的特殊處理法。他們將一個精選的來自本地的酵母菌加入日曬處理過程中,整個發(fā)酵過程長達(dá)4個星期。另外,瑰夏豆種本身也帶來了輕柔、雅致的口感。Now, as coffee cools, let’s drink it again,and this time we will focus on the acidity and body.現(xiàn)在,咖啡的溫度降下來了,讓我們再一起喝一次,這一次我們著重在感受酸質(zhì)和純厚度。WhatIlovemosta
boutthiscoffeeistheacidity!Itissweetlikegrapes,fromthepurplegrapechangetogreengrape,withmediumintensity,vibrantandlively.這支咖啡的酸是我最喜歡的地方!它有葡萄般的甜,然后酸從紫葡萄轉(zhuǎn)成青葡萄,中等的強(qiáng)度,活潑明亮。The body and texture of this coffee is likecream, smooth, fulland round.醇厚度和觸感很像奶油,絲滑、圓潤、飽滿。As coffee cools to room temperature, in flavor, citrus fruit like tangerine pronounced; the aftertaste is like cocoa nibs, long and clean.當(dāng)咖啡溫度降到室溫時,它的風(fēng)味是很突顯的橘子味;余韻像可可碎,持久、干凈。The acidity it also brighten up like tangerineand apricot .這時的酸質(zhì)也更加明亮起來,像橘子和杏桃。The weight of body is like grape juice, refreshing and juicy.葡萄汁般的醇厚度,清爽、果汁般。You will be amazed by the balance of this exotic coffee, complex flavors, delightful acidity and structured body. In your mouth, you will find it round and elegant like cello concert.這支咖啡的特別之處就在于它的多層次風(fēng)味、愉悅的酸質(zhì)、結(jié)構(gòu)清晰的醇厚度和觸感,以及這所有的特質(zhì)交織在一起的平衡感。在你們的口腔中,圓潤和高雅,就好像在欣賞一場大提琴演奏會。AllofthisiswhatIlove!這所有的都是我對這支咖啡的愛!Compare all the parameters and find a most suitable way to serve the amazing flavor to coffee drinkers. Together, I share these excitements with you. In this way, I feel co
nnected with coffee and people.對比了所有實(shí)驗(yàn)參數(shù),然后找出最適合這支獨(dú)特咖啡的沖煮方式。在這里,我將所有的美好分享給你們。這樣,我才更加感受到自己與咖啡和客人的連接。Ihopetodayyoualsoenjoyedthisexperiencewithme!Thankyou!我希望今天你們都很享受這一次和我一起的體驗(yàn)!謝謝!只要你心懷夢想就能登上世界舞臺祝福,共勉,前進(jìn)!留言寫下你對世界冠軍的祝福吧!